How Much Gold Should You Own at Retirement?
- January 12, 2017
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
No CommentsHow much gold should you own at retirement? It is an important question to answer, but the truth can be complicated. You have to answer a lot of other questions first. For instance, do you plan on working until you are 65 or do you want to retire at 50 or at 40? Can you
The Dangers of Buying Gold Mining Stocks
- November 30, 2016
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Gold
There are some investors who just don’t want the hassle of buying and storing physical gold, so they turn to easier gold investments like gold ETFs or gold mining stocks. While this makes sense, it never really works out quite as well as owning physical gold that you have in your possession and that you
Do Oil Prices Affect Gold Prices?
- November 10, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
It’s a well-known fact that oil prices have tremendous influence on the rest of the economy. During periods when oil prices soar, inflation inflates the prices of almost every item in the economy. This is simply because gas prices rise when the price of oil increases. When the price of gas increases, the cost to
5 Moments in History When You Should Have Purchased Gold
- October 10, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
Gold is one of those investments that many people wish they owned when looking back at its price movements in history. During periods of uncertainty, wars, economic crashes and high inflation, gold really shines. But when were some of the best times to own gold? How did those opportunities come about? What did gold investors
The Basics Of Gold Stocks
- October 5, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
The value of gold consistently and predictably rises over time, helping investors net significant returns investing in both actual gold and gold stocks There are three basic ways to invest in gold: you can own the metal itself, purchase it through a mutual fund, or invest in goldmining stocks. Gold has long been used as
5 Reasons to Add Gold to Your Portfolio
- October 3, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
Not too long ago everyone was talking about gold and the profits that were being made. Then gold entered a short period of consolidation and the price declined. Starting this year, that trend began to reverse again, and gold has been on the rise, gaining 24% so far this year and easily outperforming the stock
What Is Gold’s Real Value In This Crazy World?
Here we go again! The headlines are full of news about the “improving U.S. economy.” But only a person in the depths of an ether binge could possibly believe the nonsense being extrapolated from bogus economic numbers to begin with. ADP announced today that July’s private payrolls were revised up to 194,000 from 179,000 and
The Weird Trend of Eating Gold
- August 15, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
Gold is a beloved precious metal that typically takes the form of beautiful jewelry, investment grade coins, or shiny bullion bars. But did you know that it also takes the form of gold leaf, powder, and flakes that may be used to garnish a variety of culinary creations ranging from chocolate cake to caviar? That’s
Why Experts Are Predicting A Gold Rally In 2016
- August 1, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
We’ve all heard the old adage, “strike while the iron is hot,” which is the strategy many financial experts are taking towards precious metals — especially gold. If you don’t already have gold as a part of your retirement portfolio, read on to learn why those in the know believe gold will rally in 2016.
The Advantages of Gold and Silver Bullion
- June 27, 2016
- Posted by: Orkan Ozkan
- Category: Gold
Every investment portfolio should contain a precious metals component to help limit risk exposure and volatility. That’s because precious metals—particularly gold and silver bullion—tend to perform extremely well in market conditions while more traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds tank, thus protecting and growing wealth even in tumultuous times. As you evaluate the

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Contact American Bullion with any questions about your Gold IRA and investment strategies. Our agents are ready to help get your started!